Nice hen party games

Our Nice hen party games have no references to body parts and are designed for clean-minded hens.

Our Naughty packs contain a mixture of Nice and Naughty games. Naughty games can be viewed on their dedicated page.

You choose whether you want a Nice or Naughty version when you order.

Some Nice hen party game examples

Image. Nice hen party game example:  A hen to do an impression of the groom at their stag do.
Image. Nice hen party game example: Each hen to pick-up the bride with a one-liner.

Image. Nice game example:  Blindfold a hen. She must correctly identify everyone in the room.
Image. Nice hen party game example:  Is there anything the bride would like to get off her chest about the wedding.
Image. Nice game example: A hen to name 5 things she loves about the bride beginning with the letters B, R, I, D and E.
Image. Nice hen party game example:  Drawing Race. Who can draw the most 3-tiered wedding cakes in 1 minute?
Image. Nice hen party game example:  Choose 2 hens to act out a scene from a romantic film without reciting any script.
Image. Nice hen party game example:  Everyone has 3 minutes to each collect items from the house and make a tiara.
Image. Nice hen party game example:  The bride to list awesome things about her partner for 2 minutes.
Image. Nice game example:  The hens to give the bride a performance of her favourite girlie band song. Dancing is a must.

About our Nice hen party games

Our hen party packs contain a set number of mini-games that are wholesome and fun. We hand-pick the games from our huge database and personalise them with the details you provide, making each hen party truly unique.

The Nice packs do not contain any naughty references and are suitable for:

  • A Christian hen party
  • A Halal hen do
  • Mums wanting to attend the bride’s party (and mothers-in-law)
  • Hen parties with children present
  • Anyone who wants a hen party with no naughty references.

All our games can be played without alcohol although a drinking element can be easily incorporated.

One of our early challenges was to create a Christian friendly hen party with a 60-year-old mother attending. We all fell about laughing and realised how funny and bonding a ‘hen night in’ could be even without naughty references, so we began developing our games.

Personalise your game

When you purchase your packs we will ask you for some details on the checkout form, including the bride and groom’s names.

We hand-pick your individual games from our extensive database so there is also an optional area on the form to add further information. By completing this section you help us cater the games to your bride’s taste and make the party truly unique.

Information that we find useful includes the bride’s hobbies, definitely whether she is pregnant and if your party has a theme.

Image link to information about how we build your hen party game packs

Naughty game packs

Our Naughty packs contain a mixture of Nice AND Naughty games for hens with naughtier minds.

You can view samples of Naughty games on their dedicated page but be aware they contain adult content.

Like these games?

You can download a print-at-home pack of 30 Nice games containing all the activities featured on our site from our shop.